Bitcoin Mining
Solutions in Paraguay and Ethiopia
Explore more ways to extend your investments in Bitcoin. AmityAge provides private mining solutions in Paraguay and Ethiopia with high quality boutique-style services.
We mine Bitcoin to support education activities and increase the level of financial literacy.
We build a private mining club of investors interested to support the security of Bitcoin network as well as Bitcoin education.
Do you want to join us?
Feel free to contact us for more information.

Why we have mining operations
in Paraguay and Ethiopia
Paraguay and Ethiopia has one of the lowest prices of electricity in the world.
100% of the Paraguay energy is from a renewable resource - water.
Paraguay is the largest electricity exporter in the world (more than 45% of electricity produced is exported).

Why do we mine Bitcoin?

140 MW Paraguay Site
10 km from Itaipu Dam (3rd largest power plant in the world).
Power supply and internet (2x 100 Mbps fiber optic) with 99.5% uptime.
Site mainly focused on Bitmain Hydro-powered miners.
Power usage effectiveness (PUE) 1.03
Operated by the local partner Penguin Infrastructure S.A.
Our current contracted capacity: 3 MW.

Our 10+ MW Ethiopian Site
Clean energy source from hydro power plants nearby
Power supply and internet (2x 100 Mbps fiber optic) with 98% uptime.
Site focused on air-cooled mining.
Power usage effectiveness (PUE) 1.04
Operated by the local partner who built farms for Bitmain and Canaan.
Our Contracted Capacity: 10 MW.

Hosting in Paraguay and Ethiopia
Our Concierge Service Overview
We provide hosting for mining machines for an All-in fee from 0.059 $/kWh which covers everything an operation needs to be successful:
Receiving and unloading of all equipment
Connecting to the electric grid and the Internet
Initial equipment and mining pool set-up
Basic support and maintenance
Basic repairs & onsite spare parts
Monitoring, ensuring supervision, integrity and security of your miners and operations
Includes 1 cent/kWh to “Fix the Money”. One cent from each kWh of hosted machines go towards Bitcoin educational activities.
Advisory services to maximize mining ROI

Are you interested in learning more about our Bitcoin mining opportunities?
Contact us for more in depth information about our private mining club and customized hosting solutions.
We will gladly answer any questions you may have and engineer the best solution for your operational requirements.
Key Profitability Factors
Stable in Paraguay and Ethiopia, using energy from 100% renewables (hydro).
Low-cost Electricity
If high, mining becomes more profitable, if low, mining becomes less profitable.
Bitcoin Price
If more miners are joining the network, mining rewards are lower, because they are distributed among more miners.
Global Hashrate (Difficulty)
More efficient hardware is generally more expensive, but it can mine more Bitcoin in the same amount of time, making it more profitable in the long run.
Mining Hardware
Other Benefits of Mining
Leasing of machines can be added into company costs (e. g., servers), can scale-up your investment and decrease your tax base.
Newly mined bitcoins are going directly to your wallet in a completely private matter.
Freshly mined bitcoins can be sold with up to 5% more premiums to specialized funds, institutions and family offices.
When your investment is returned, you can still own the machines or sell them, and price might be even higher in the case of Bitcoin price increase.
Miners also receive transaction fees as an additional incentive for adding transactions to the blockchain.
How to Order
Choose number of machines
Based on your investment appetite and our minimum order quantity.
Sign Contracts Online
Miners Purchase Agreement & Hosting Agreement are both signed online via DocuSign platform.
Set-up your mining Pool Account & BTC Wallet
If you do not have one, we will help you to create one where you get all your mining rewards.
Pay Monthly Invoices (Hosting Fees)
We accept payments in USD, BTC or stablecoins via confirmo.net
Enjoy your rewards!
We take care of everything else.

Interested in
Bitcoin mining?
Contact us for more information about our private mining club and hosting solutions.
We will gladly answer any questions you may have and find the best solution for you.

Executive Team
Co-founder and CEO
7 years in Bitcoin industry as an educator and miner
Helping with adoption and to other Bitcoin educators via AmityAge Academy
10 years of experience in sales and business development
In charge of account management and sales
14 years of experience in business and management consulting within various industries and project assignments
COO/Mining Operations Manager
In charge of Paraguay mining operations
Technical Operations Specialist
In charge of support & maintenance of miners
Development of mining monitoring/reporting tools
A decade of global maritime experience as a second officer and six years of crypto mining expertise
Mining Operations & Strategic Planning Manager
Orchestrated over $5 million in hardware deals across the world
Passion and expertise at R&D in the mining space
CTO, SysAdmin & Network Admin
Extensive experience in network management and system administration
Main real-time technical support for all AmityAge sites

How to
Join Us?
Would you like to join our
team? Get in touch with us.